William Blake (1757-1827) was a gifted engraver... here is one of my favorite pieces.
Blake invented a method of relief printing from metal plates, and ways of obtaining many colors simultaneously that only recently has been equalled.
This particular plate has been selected as one of the best of Blake. "When the morning stars sang together," one page from The Book of Job illustrated by Blake, reveals the sweep of his admittedly complex and obscure but wedded to the realities of his time - a breadth of vision moving beyond the theme of conflict between Good and Evil. (Jules Heller)
incredible. thanks for sharing.
LOVE William Blake!
Hi Laura... thanks!
Hi Martha,
Me too - on so many levels :)
Still listening article you serve to make me be inspired in makes work creating articles or information that could be useful,, interesting and easily understood.
Thank you very much for sharing and I wait for your next post.
survivors welcome the new year
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