A Country Outing, 1882. Oil on canvas, 18 1/8 x 15 in. Phillip and Janice Levin Collection.
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901). French artist, associated with the
Impressionists. His later work was to prove vital to the development of
poster art. Toulouse-
Lautrec was born at
Albi (where there is now a museum of his work) in the South of France. He showed an early gift for drawing, to which he turned increasingly after a riding accident at the age of 15 left him with crippled and stunted legs. In 1882 he began to study art in Paris. He admired
Goya's etchings and
Degas' work, and in the 1880's he met
Gauguin and was inspired by Japanese prints.
Lautrec became a familiar figure drawing and paintings in the dance halls, theatres, cafes, circuses, and brothels. He often painted with thinned-out oils on cardboard. (
This particular painting is unusual for Lautrec - he is well known for his works featuring Parisian nightlife. This painting was in his early period and reflected scenes of country life among the wealthy as he was from a privileged background.
Ooh - I love this painting of his! I love how the impressionists painted their subjects - just a glimpse of the person. Wonderful!
Great blog!
Thanks Jennifer!
gan good job, this article is very interesting to note, cool deh,, of course we have new insights that we get after reading it, thanx yah :-)
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